Our olive grove
The R'KHAMI variety
Premium Olive Oil
Directly from our groves
fields of thymes and rosemary
Tunisia, a country rich in culinary traditions
Our products, originating from the Tunisian terroir, reflect an ancestral heritage and a forward-looking dynamism, where the quality of local products meets the demands of international markets..
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Extra virgin olive oil is 100% pure and fresh. It is produced from R'Khami and Chemlali olives, hand-picked by our farmers and cold extracted without oxygen using the horizontal then vertical centrifugal extraction and separation process and stored immediately in stainless steel tanks with conical bottom and tight closure.
Huile d'Olive Exta-Vierge
L'huile d'olive extra vierge est 100% pure et fraîche. Elle est produite à partir d'olives R'Khami et Chemlali, cueillies à la main par nos agriculteurs et extraite à froid sans oxygène selon le procédé d'extration et de séparation centrifuge horizontal puis vertical et stocké immédiatement dans les cuve en acier inoxydable à fond conique et fermeture étanche.
Pure and Natural Honey
We produce 100% natural and pure honey from Jujube, Thyme, Rosemary, Forest, etc. as well as all hive products: royal jelly, propolis, wax, pollen.
Miel 100% naturel et pure
Nous produisons du miel 100% naturel et pur de Jujubier, de Thym, de Romarin, de Forêt, etc. ainsi que tous les produits de la ruche : gelée royale, propolis, cire, pollen.
Essential oil of aromatic plants
Our essential oils are extracted from aromatic plants, ensuring purity and quality.